Monday, April 16, 2012

Chapter 2: Look for inspiration

Greetings cancer survivors.

    I hope you have tried the assignment in "look for a surprise"-looking each day for something that surprises you and I hope being deliberately focused has made you more alert, more excited and more optimistic.  We look, listen and expect a life-enhancing surprise.  Our daily lives are filled with expectation of meaningful sights.

   This week let's go a step further.  In addition to surprises, look each day for something that inspires you.  Add this to your journal.  At first you will notice obvious things--things that are suppose to inspire you.  As the weeks wear on your observations become more subtle and more authentic.  Perhaps you notice the unassuming actions of a hospital attendant, the unexpected kindness of strangers.
    Is there one person, or one reading, or, one object that keeps showing up on your list of inspirations?  You are learning about yourself.  You learn where you can turn on those days when inspiration is badly needed.  Here is another place where we can help each other.  Share what inspires you.  Where have you found inspiration?

   Why all this emphasis on looking?  Many persons, when diagnosed with cancer discover that things around them take on new value.  Common everyday things become filled with awe.  One recent student discovered this.  She was just completing her chemo sessions with encouraging results.  "But, I don't ever want to lose this feeling of being so gratefully aware of being alive." she said.

   Think of the millions of sights we encounter every single day.  We have the ability to choose which ones we will focus on.  Our Scriptures give us a good model to follow in Philippians 4:8: "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whateverer is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable--if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise--think about these things":

   Think of these things and look around for them.

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